We are preparing for Sukkot here on the…
We are preparing for Sukkot here on the farm at Growing in Torah. Our feast site is full, but we would like to encourage you to go to an organized feast site in a community near you. It will be refreshment for your soul, your spouse, and your children. Just wanted to get that out there. If you need help finding a feast site, please feel free to contact us. Shalom!
Shalom, I am a new believer and would love to attend sukkot this fall. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you, Kim
Shalom Kim, I am happy that you found us and you are welcome to come. The first thing you need to do is go to this link and read up on our sukkot and then at the bottom it has a link that will take you to registration. https://shfarms.org/sukkot/ If you have any questions you can email me at bryan@growingintorah.com
Blessings, Bryan Barnes
I would like to attend this year
Please send me information