Bryan Barnes led devotions this morning.
The devotion I gave this morning was found in Mt. 25 “The Kingdom of Heaven – at that time -” speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven at the time of Yeshua’s return.
This chapter speaks of 3 main topics.
1. Being ready. (The parable of the 10 bridesmaids)
2. Being diligent (parable of the talents)
3. Caring about what the Father cares about.( I was thirsty and you gave something to drink…you have done it unto me.)
From the very beginning the Father has been preparing (being diligent) an inheritance which is the Kingdom… for us! Did you hear that? He wants to give us the Kingdom! Incredible!
25:34″Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
35 – FOR- I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink etc. you know the parable.
It seems to me that there is a direct relationship between inheriting his Kingdom and 1 being ready, 2 being diligent, and 3 caring for what He cares about.
Books could be written about being ready and diligent and what that means, but I want to focus for a minute on vs.s 35-46 caring for what He cares about. Remember, this is among the final instructions to His followers, so it’s important! He didn’t say ” I was in need of knowing when the new moon is and you instructed me. Or, when you explained how to pronounce the name of YHVH you have done it unto me, etc. etc.
It’s time to leave our egos behind because it is really quite simple. Be ready, be diligent, and care about what He cares about. At GIT that is what we are trying to do. Learning how to get ready (preparing seed in the ground for a future harvest) Being diligent (weeding and watering and caring for the plant), and our goal is to care for those who are needy with the best or our crops. I am hoping for an inheritance! For His Kingdom is almost READY!
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Posted: June 18, 2013 by admin
Bryan Barnes led devotions this morn…
The devotion I gave this morning was found in Mt. 25 “The Kingdom of Heaven – at that time -” speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven at the time of Yeshua’s return.
This chapter speaks of 3 main topics.
1. Being ready. (The parable of the 10 bridesmaids)
2. Being diligent (parable of the talents)
3. Caring about what the Father cares about.( I was thirsty and you gave something to drink…you have done it unto me.)
From the very beginning the Father has been preparing (being diligent) an inheritance which is the Kingdom… for us! Did you hear that? He wants to give us the Kingdom! Incredible!
25:34″Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
35 – FOR- I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink etc. you know the parable.
It seems to me that there is a direct relationship between inheriting his Kingdom and 1 being ready, 2 being diligent, and 3 caring for what He cares about.
Books could be written about being ready and diligent and what that means, but I want to focus for a minute on vs.s 35-46 caring for what He cares about. Remember, this is among the final instructions to His followers, so it’s important! He didn’t say ” I was in need of knowing when the new moon is and you instructed me. Or, when you explained how to pronounce the name of YHVH you have done it unto me, etc. etc.
It’s time to leave our egos behind because it is really quite simple. Be ready, be diligent, and care about what He cares about. At GIT that is what we are trying to do. Learning how to get ready (preparing seed in the ground for a future harvest) Being diligent (weeding and watering and caring for the plant), and our goal is to care for those who are needy with the best or our crops. I am hoping for an inheritance! For His Kingdom is almost READY!
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